Volunteer Highlight - Briggs Animal Adoption Center

The BAAC animals have been the happy recipients of lots of love and dedication from many excellent volunteers over the years. In these busy times, it is often difficult to find dedicated people who can give of their own free time away from work and home on a routine basis. The BAAC staff feels so very fortunate to have such wonderful volunteers!

The volunteers have given of themselves in many ways to help the dogs and cats. They routinely arrive at the BAAC to spend time with the animals. Quite a few of them have attended “off-site” adoption days with the dogs, as well as special fundraising events at the BAAC.

Since the majority of the dogs and cats arriving at the BAAC have come from either a shelter where they were scheduled to be killed or as a result of a neglectful or abusive situation, they are often in desperate need of a gentle touch and soft voice to begin to learn to trust humankind. Even so, it is amazing just how fast these animals do come around.

While all of the BAAC employees play a significant role in their recovery and journey towards finding a good home, the staff sincerely appreciates and acknowledges the invaluable assistance and care for the animals that the volunteers provide. We all know that finding the “perfect match” between adopter and animal depends very much on getting to know the animal’s personality. With each additional visit from a volunteer, we learn more about each animal in our care, which ultimately assists us in matching up the animals with their adopters.

In addition to the direct animal interaction, our organization depends upon the charity of others for financial assistance to carry out our programs. These volunteers have given equally of their time helping us raise funds towards special projects.

There is much more to do to continue to be a presence in the animal welfare field and to help the many animals in need. We would love for more volunteers to join this great group of people and the animals would love it too.

If you are interested in finding out more about volunteering for the BAAC, please check out our other volunteer pages on this website. We have a Volunteer Request Form that you can submit to our Volunteer Coordinator, Jennifer Perrotte. If you have any other questions, you may contact her at 304.724.6558 ext. 126 or drop her an email by clicking volunteer@nhes.org