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Foz Foz

Name : Foz

Breed : Domestic Medium-Hair

DOB : 05/01/2022

Gender : Female

Weight : 7.1 lbs

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Wallflower seeks similar soul.

Must treasure the little things in life…like me!

A peaceful home and a gentle demeanor are tops on my list.

I tend to take things very slowly when meeting new humans.

But, with the right tender love and care, our love will blossom.

I gain comfort in the company of more confident and compatible felines.

Perhaps you could adopt me and another furry friend!

There will be little milestones along the way as I get to know and trust you.

That first sniff, happy purr and head boop will warm your heart.

And, our bond will be one you will never forget!

So, take a chance on me. Second-chance stories are always the best kind!

To see additional photos of me head on over to my Petfinder page by clicking here.